From the course: Supporting Non-Native English Speakers at Work

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Feedback loops increase understanding

Feedback loops increase understanding

- Here's a strategy that many people find helpful. Create a communication loop to ensure that you've been understood. Good communication is a two-way process. In order to make sure you're being understood during a meeting or one-on-one, it may be useful to check in with a listener periodically to ensure that they've understood your message and vice versa. It's important to check and verify that you've understood what's being communicated to you. Here are some helpful tips to ensure that your communication is clear and efficient. Communicate just one message at a time. Don't confuse the receiver with multiple messages and make them sort through all of them. Don't try to soften the language when you need to give a difficult decision or comment. Politeness can be confusing to hear for non-native speakers. "I'm afraid we might not get the funding you needed. "I'm afraid? "What are you afraid of?" Be assertive without being…
