From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results
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The power of inspiration
From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results
The power of inspiration
- As we defined leadership, we defined it as the ability to inspire a group of people to create something new. Inspiration, this is key. Inspiration is key, because it creates movement in this world. You know, the word inspiration comes from a root word of inspire, and that means to breathe breath into it and breath is life. And so in order to be a dynamic, powerful leader that can inspire a group to move forward requires this sense of fluidity, the sense of being a movement of being fully engaged in the stance of life, and that is intoxicating. We've all met people who are inspirational. When you meet someone that really fully embodies life, you have an instinctual yearning to go along with them, to engage in, and be up to what they're up to. It's fulfilling, it's rejuvenating. That's why inspiration is so critical as a leader. (light chiming music)
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