From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results
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Introduction to audio exercise
From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results
Introduction to audio exercise
- And so we use the mind to generate intention. You see, the mind is always creating. It never stops doing that. It's just that most of the time it's creating from our subconscious. As opposed to creating intentionally. Here with regards to this visualization exercise that we're going to be up to, we intend the outcome. We become clear about that, and we use this power of intention to create as powerful leaders. And what we find is that when we bring intention to the moment, others come along and intend the same. And that collective power is what ultimately carries us to our destination. (soft music)
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The I-IQ of peace as a gateway to creativity2m 3s
Optimizing the fuel of your creation2m 4s
Let’s create!1m 51s
Visualizing for your optimal I-IQ with intention1m 52s
Introduction to audio exercise1m 17s
Experience with clarity your new creation7m 30s