From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results
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Checking in with your body to optimize your executive function
From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results
Checking in with your body to optimize your executive function
- As we discussed, so much of our emotional state lives in our subconscious. So you may be wondering, "How then can I know exactly where I'm at?" The answer is that you can check in with your body. You see, actually, although there are a host of emotional experiences in the world, they all fall into one of two categories. There are those kinds of emotions that contract us when we're anxious, when we're angry, when we're afraid, when we're sad, and you can feel that tension in your body. And then there are those kinds of emotions that expand us, where we feel open and free and full of energy, such things as peace and compassion and joy and enthusiasm and love. These are the two different camps of emotions. Now, you may be wondering, "Why is this so important?" One of the primary reasons that this is so important is that it impacts significantly your cognitive capacity. You see, when we're in one of these contracted states,…
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How emotions drive your brain and your body2m 19s
Your emotional state as a leader2m 20s
Checking in with your body to optimize your executive function3m 49s
Focus as an essential tool for leadership1m 54s
Inner scan to identify emotional embodiment1m 11s
Inner scan to identify emotional embodiment exercise8m 51s
Introduction to emotions in the body57s