From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results

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What’s stress? Rigid body = rigid mind

What’s stress? Rigid body = rigid mind

- Perhaps one of the reasons that stress has become such an issue in our culture is because we haven't defined it accurately. Stress is one of those things that you kind of know it when you feel it. I remember giving a presentation on this topic to a group of professionals years ago. And I said to them, "How many of you "have felt stress this week?" And every hand in the room went up. And then I said, "How many of you have felt stress today?" And every hand in the room went up. And then I said, "So what's stress?" And everyone looked at me because it's one of these terms that we throw around without really thinking about what it is. What stress is is rigidity in our bodies. It's that fear in our bodies. It's that tension that is there. That tension, that fear, then drives our mind in a very predictable way. As we talked about before, when we're angry, when we're frustrated, when we're anxious, we think in a very…
