From the course: Spanish for Absolute Beginners

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Asking someone to do something

Asking someone to do something

Newbie Series, Lesson 20. Listen, there's a public concert. What are we going to talk about today? Well, today's lesson conversation takes place in La Ciudad de Panama. Ah, in Panama City. Right. Here, Jorge and Otilia stumble upon a public concert. Sounds like fun. And is there a grammar topic that we're going to focus on in particular? Yeah, I'd like to talk about how to express that you want someone to do something without saying, I won't. Hmm, that sounds interesting. Escucha, Otilia, hay música. Oye, tienes razón. Es un concierto público. Me gusta la música. This time with a translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción. Escucha, Otilia, hay música. Otilia, listen, there's music. Oye, tienes razón. Hey, you're right. Es un concierto público. It's a public concert. Me gusta la música. I like the music. So first we have... Escuchar. To listen. Es-cu-char. Escuchar. Next we'll look at... Música. Music. Mu-si-ca. Música. Now we have... Oye. Hey. O-ye. Oye. And then we have... Razón…
