From the course: Spanish for Absolute Beginners
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Asking someone to do something
From the course: Spanish for Absolute Beginners
Asking someone to do something
Newbie Series, Lesson 20. Listen, there's a public concert. What are we going to talk about today? Well, today's lesson conversation takes place in La Ciudad de Panama. Ah, in Panama City. Right. Here, Jorge and Otilia stumble upon a public concert. Sounds like fun. And is there a grammar topic that we're going to focus on in particular? Yeah, I'd like to talk about how to express that you want someone to do something without saying, I won't. Hmm, that sounds interesting. Escucha, Otilia, hay música. Oye, tienes razón. Es un concierto público. Me gusta la música. This time with a translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción. Escucha, Otilia, hay música. Otilia, listen, there's music. Oye, tienes razón. Hey, you're right. Es un concierto público. It's a public concert. Me gusta la música. I like the music. So first we have... Escuchar. To listen. Es-cu-char. Escuchar. Next we'll look at... Música. Music. Mu-si-ca. Música. Now we have... Oye. Hey. O-ye. Oye. And then we have... Razón…
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Introducing yourself: Part 18m 16s
Introducing yourself: Part 25m 1s
Who are you? Part 14m 45s
Who are you? Part 24m 27s
Where is he from?5m 3s
Asking why5m 4s
Asking where someone is from3m 9s
I'm thirsty!3m 51s
I'm hungry!4m
I'm starving!3m 59s
Starting a meal4m 40s
I'm full!5m 6s
Exclamations3m 37s
Saying you like something3m 25s
Talking about the weather: Part 13m 53s
Talking about the weather: Part 23m 47s
Talking about the weather: Part 34m 10s
Talking about the weather: Part 45m 26s
Giving commands: Part 14m 20s
Asking someone to do something4m 19s
Come here! I'll be right there!4m 51s
Giving commands: Part 23m 55s
The verb 'to be able': Part 15m 19s
The verb 'to be able': Part 25m
The verb 'to be able': Part 35m 11s
Romance: Part 15m
Romance: Part 25m 4s
Romance: Part 35m 54s
Romance: Part 412m 7s
Romance: Part 55m 5s
Romance: Part 65m 10s
Saying you feel ill5m 23s
Using the past tense5m 46s
Using adjectives6m 39s
The ATM ate my debit card! Part 19m 17s
Dealing with a bank manager6m 39s
The ATM ate my debit card! Part 25m 12s
The ATM ate my debit card! Part 35m 41s
Using verbs7m
Flattering someone3m 50s