From the course: Six Sigma: Green Belt

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Sampling in data collection

Sampling in data collection

From the course: Six Sigma: Green Belt

Sampling in data collection

- If you were asked to measure and determine the average height of the population, what would you do? Measure the height of everyone in the country? No, it's not feasible. Similarly, when collecting data for the Measure phase, it may not always be possible to measure every member of the population or every unit in the process. That's why sampling is needed. Sampling is the selection of a small number of items that is representative of a larger population, respect to the characteristics you want to measure, such as measuring the height of a small group instead of everybody. To do a sampling right, it must also be random. This means that every item in the population or every unit in the process has an equal chance or probability of being selected. If your sampling is random and representative you will avoid bias. Now there're several sampling strategies but before I share good strategies, I want to tell you about two…
