From the course: Shopify Ecommerce: Marketing Strategy

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How to optimize Amazon listings for ecommerce

How to optimize Amazon listings for ecommerce

From the course: Shopify Ecommerce: Marketing Strategy

How to optimize Amazon listings for ecommerce

- [Instructor] Amazon, eBay, and Etsy are competitive platforms. You're competing on price as well as quality and customer service. You want to ensure you maintain high reviews as well as make your product listings on Amazon, eBay, and Etsy stand out. Becoming an Amazon seller is pretty complicated. You need to register for an Amazon Seller Central account. And on this page, you can learn more about some of the requirements to actually become an Amazon seller. Once you are successfully approved as an Amazon seller, you need to make sure that you remember that Amazon itself is a search engine. So, this means you want to optimize your listings for people to find you via search. Think about what people might type in when they come to Amazon to potentially find your products. You can actually use the Amazon search bar to find potential keywords. So, for example, my niche: sports clothes for women. These are the searches…
