From the course: SEO: Videos

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Using subtitles to increase search engine optimization (SEO)

Using subtitles to increase search engine optimization (SEO)

From the course: SEO: Videos

Using subtitles to increase search engine optimization (SEO)

- [Instructor] Another factor in video marketing has become the use of subtitles and closed captioning. While YouTube has taken to machine learning to develop subtitles for popular videos, it and many other video hosting sites allow you to upload your subtitles and captions. There are many reasons that this should be a part of your video marketing. Ultimately adding closed captioning helps everybody. First it helps you. Adding closed captioning and subtitles of your content helps your SEO by adding your script which has keywords in your well-written content, these functions emphasize specific key words in your content. Second, they add a layer of accessibility which makes your videos able to be understood and enjoyed by anyone who cannot see the content, either through a vision impairment, software issue, or learning disability. Many people simply learn better by listening and reading with the content. By adding closed…
