From the course: SEO: Videos
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The YouTube algorithm—the rich get richer
From the course: SEO: Videos
The YouTube algorithm—the rich get richer
- [Instructor] Have you ever heard the phrase the rich get richer? Well, if you are using YouTube, you will see this dynamic play out everyday. YouTube utilizes what is called a power law dynamic in its algorithm. This means that popular videos and creators are given more visibility and are pushed more as recommendations than other lesser-performing videos. It also means that channels and producers, the more popular they are, the more they're favored. Here's the hard truth of the power law. Just 500,000 creators, only 11% of all YouTube producers receive 80% of the views. The next 1.5 million producers only get 11% of views. This makes it especially hard for new channels and new creators to start, gain a foot hold and build an audience. It's not impossible, but realize that you are going to have to work harder than they did to build an audience. An issue with this type of algorithm is that it does not take into account…