From the course: SEO Foundations
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Optimizing on-page elements - Google Analytics Tutorial
From the course: SEO Foundations
Optimizing on-page elements
- On-page optimization is the process of fine tuning the relevance of a page for a certain keyword or search term. Let's keep going with our sample website and imagine that we've decided to optimize this page for the phrase Backpacking Tours in California. The first element we're going to optimize is the URL. The URL is the location of the page we're looking at and you can find it up in the address bar. We can follow some simple guidelines that will help this page be found and understood. First, the length should be as concise as is reasonably possible, but at the same time, contain some usable information about the page itself. Generally speaking, the more succinct, the better, but we do want to make sure that our target keyword phrase is in there. Let's go ahead and change this page name to backpacking-tours-in-California.htm. It's short, it's very descriptive of the page and it matches the keyword phrase we're targeting.…
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