From the course: SEO: Ecommerce Strategies

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Optimizing ecommerce content pages

Optimizing ecommerce content pages

From the course: SEO: Ecommerce Strategies

Optimizing ecommerce content pages

- [Instructor] With regards to your eCommerce website, you don't just want to focus on SEO for your eCommerce products pages. Whilst you do want your eCommerce products pages to be ranked in search, you also want to be creating a content strategy that allows you to rank in search for other keywords for people who might be at a different stage of the buyer journey. For example, I recommend creating a blog for your website that you can update regularly. Search engines actually index individual web pages and not entire websites. This means the more pages you create, the more opportunities you have to be found in search for different keywords. But you might be limited in terms of how many products you have, so you might only be able to create a certain amount of products pages. When it comes to article pages, however, you can create as many article pages as you like. This is an example of a article that I have written…
