From the course: Scaling B2B Content Marketing with AI and Automations

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Optimizing content for search engines

Optimizing content for search engines

Keyword stuffing. It's a thing of the past. Today's SEO game is all about creating content that truly answers user queries, while also pleasing those ever evolving search engine algorithms. But how do you stay on top of it all when Google seems to change its mind every other week? AI powered SEO tool serve as your guide in the choppy waters of search engine optimization. In this lesson, you'll see how to leverage AI driven SEO strategies to boost your content, visibility and reach. By the end, you'll be able to optimize your content for better search engine rankings, all while streamlining your workflow and maintaining your creative edge. Let's dive into the AI powered SEO toolkit. Starting with Keyword research and content planning. Semrush's top research tool. Analyze this top performing content in your niche and suggest topics that are likely to resonate with your audience and search engine. Pair this with a fresh keyword explorer and you've got a dynamic duo for uncovering high…
