From the course: Python: Pen Testing AWS

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The PACU pen testing framework

The PACU pen testing framework - Python Tutorial

From the course: Python: Pen Testing AWS

The PACU pen testing framework

- [Instructor] Well, we can create our own scripts and use Open-source scripts to help test our AWS deployments. We can also use the Pacu framework. as a fully featured capability for AWS pen testing. This framework has been designed to cover testing of all aspects of AWS attacks, including the three key areas of reconnaissance, exploitation and persistence. Pacu is a Python based tool containing over 35 modules for testing and AWS deployment. And it's run from the command line. It has an API to enable developers to use it in their own scripts and to provide enhancements for it. It's open source and free to use and it's fully supported by Rhino Security Labs. We installed Pacu earlier in the course when we loaded CloudGoat. So let's go look at it now. We started with python3 Okay the first thing we have to do is create a session and we'll hold a session, pacman. Let's import all of our credentials,…
