From the course: Python: Pen Testing AWS

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Looking inside Pate

Looking inside Pate

- [Tutor] Pate is a single Python script and it starts with some library imports. And then the standard class we use when coding Python scripts. The imports include the wx library and further down the wxGrid library to provide the wxPython graphics, bato3 and batocore so that we can access AWS. The SQLite3 library to allow use of an SQLite database and the runpy library which enables us to run Python scripts from this script. The code is based on a wx.Frame class which incorporates the initialization and event management for the script. I won't go through the init function in detail but we can see that it's creating and configuring the GUI components that will appear on the screen. Then at line 286 we can see the functions used in the code to initialization functions and event handler functions. The graphics code has all been generated by wxGlade based on the graphical design. It's standard wxPython code so I could have…
