From the course: Python: Pen Testing AWS
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Gaining privileges by changing policies - Python Tutorial
From the course: Python: Pen Testing AWS
Gaining privileges by changing policies
- [Instructor] We've determined that we have the authority to set the default policy, but so far we've only seen version one. Let's see how we list all the versions, aws iam list-policy-versions --policy-arn - -profile scenario1. Okay, so now we know there's five policies. We know what's in version one. So let's get each of the other policies in turn, starting with version two, and see what they offer. Version two allows us to list and get buckets. Version three allows us to take all actions on all resources. Version four allows us to get iam information within particular date ranges. And version five is set to deny actions other than from specific IP addresses. Before we go further, let's run a command related to the glue service, aws glue list-workflows --profile scenario1 - -region us-west-2. Okay, we're not permitted to do that. Now let's activate profile three, aws iam set-default-policy-version --policy-arn…
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Understanding the CloudGoat testing paradigm3m 5s
Installing CloudGoat2m 7s
Launching CloudGoat scenarios2m 29s
Listing the user policy2m 50s
Gaining privileges by changing policies2m 27s
Exploiting a misconfigured server4m 22s
Closing down a CloudGoat scenario37s