From the course: Python: Pen Testing AWS
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Challenge - Python Tutorial
From the course: Python: Pen Testing AWS
(techno music) - We've seen how we can bring our enumeration scripts into a desktop application using the wxPython GUI. Now it's time for you to have a crack at adding your own code to this. Your challenge is to develop the code required to script enumeration of another AWS resource, DynamoDB tables. These are non-SQL forms of highly scalable cloud database storage. To help with this, you can check out the DynamoDB list tables Boto3 function shown here. Before you start, you'll want to create a DynamoDB table. We can do this from the command line. It's a pretty long command line. But this provisions the table and provides its full JSON description. Okay, we can use the AWS command line call on the DynamoDB service to check out the tables we have. And this requires that we specify the region, aws dynamodb list-tables --region ap-southeast-2. And we can see our table. Okay, get started with your challenge and get…
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