From the course: Python: Pen Testing AWS

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AWS Command Line Interface

AWS Command Line Interface - Python Tutorial

From the course: Python: Pen Testing AWS

AWS Command Line Interface

- [Instructor] Amazon provides a handy command line interface tool for AWS. It's available for Windows and Linux. Let's install this on our Ubuntu system. We could install it by using the APT utility but this may not fetch the latest version. The best approach is to install directly from the AWS site. We can do this with curl "". And we'll write it out to a file "" Let's unpack that now unzip And we can complete the installation by saying sudo ./aws/install. And we can now run the command aws --version to check that we have AWSCLI version two running. While we're here we should also load the boto3 software development kits. We can do this using the pip3 command sudo pip3 three install boto3. That's set up and we'll look at boto3 later in the course. Before we can use the CLI, we have to set up access credentials to log into our…
