From the course: Python: Pen Testing AWS

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Automating cloud deployments with Terraform

Automating cloud deployments with Terraform - Python Tutorial

From the course: Python: Pen Testing AWS

Automating cloud deployments with Terraform

- [Instructor] When we're dealing with cloud deployments, the Amazon Management Console and Amazon's command line tool provide everything we need to deploy, configure, and manage our resources. However, especially with larger deployments, this can be quite time-consuming. One of the key performance and reliability options for a business running in the cloud is automation. HashiCorp provide a tool called Terraform which enables cloud automation. The CloudGoat testing environment uses Terraform to deploy its scenarios. So we'll install Terraform now. The Downloads page has the details of the latest Terraform packages. And if we scroll and highlight the 64 bit Linux package, we can see its location. Let's check that we have our local bin configured as part of our profile. Nano .profile...and we can see it's there. If you don't have this, then add it to your profile and run the following source command.…
