From the course: Prototyping Microinteractions with Adobe Animate

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Stretch and fill

Stretch and fill

- [Instructor] When interacting with a mobile device or other touch-based media, you'll often come across this specific micro interaction. Often, this comes about when tapping an object to have that object expand and provide more visual detail. If you notice down in the timeline, we have a new layer called stretch and all previous working layers have been locked and their visibility disabled. Let's go ahead and choose the oval tool and we're going to draw out a circle, so again, we're going to hold down the shift key as we click and drag inside of our stretch layer, and what we're looking for is a circle that's somewhere around 45 pixels. So using the selection tool, we can select the circle. Here, we have 50. That's pretty close, but if we want it to be exact, we can, of course, lock within height and type in 45. We want this circle to be centered, so we'll choose the align panel with our shape still selected and we'll align it to the horizontal center. There we are. With that done…
