From the course: Protecting Data for Analysis and Machine Learning

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- There are many benefits to sharing our work. I mean, how else are others going to see the awesome work that you're doing? However, you should be aware of the associated security threats and ensure that you understand how to protect against them. Let's talk about the risks of sharing your data. Risks of sharing your work can include anything from data breaches, leaks, or loss due to employees accidentally exposing information, sharing with unauthorized third parties or just straight up taking the data when they leave the company. So what can we do about this? According to a Verizon 2023 study, 74% of all leaks and breaches include the human element. So it's important to start with having solid usage policies and that employees are aware of and receive periodic training on these policies so they know how to protect the data shared with them as well as the data they are sharing with others. You might be wondering what these usage policies for your own company are, but you're not the…
