From the course: Protecting Data for Analysis and Machine Learning
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Exploring data security
From the course: Protecting Data for Analysis and Machine Learning
Exploring data security
- If you haven't noticed already, data is everywhere. So with all this data available to us, it shouldn't be surprising that every company out there is becoming more and more data driven these days. What might be a surprise to some is that it's actually everyone's responsibility to protect this data. It's not just the responsibility of the security department anymore. Most of us have smartphones and smart watches, which we carry around with us at all times, collecting data about us 24/7. A lot of us have smart health devices like Fitbits or Oura Rings that collect data about us while we are sleeping. Some of us even have smart appliances collecting data about our lives and are able to tell us when we run out of milk or when it's time to fold our clothes. So with all this data available to us, it shouldn't be surprising that every company out there is becoming more and more data-driven these days. What might be a surprise to some is that it is actually everyone's responsibility to…
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