From the course: Premiere Pro Guru: Working with Audio

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Using the Gain command

Using the Gain command

- Cheryl, sometimes I bring a clip in, and I know it's wrong to begin with. A lot of stock music just comes in really hot. Or I get some nat sounds and they're really kind of low. Is there anything I can do to just make a quick fix at a clip level without having to drag lines up and down and grab key frames. - Clip gain is very handy on many different levels. For instance, you can level out dialogue between each other, make sure the clip gain is similar to each other so when you get into mixing you're not struggling with that. Your low nats, you can raise it by using clip gain. And music, the music that's always up at zero. If you instantly take it down by 10 db on your clip gain then you can easily get to an easier level with your mix. Clip gain is not the same as volume though, Rich. And you shouldn't confuse the two. - Right, what we're really doing here, if I'm understanding you correctly, is we're modifying it sort of before we hit the timeline. It's like we're changing how we're…
