From the course: Practical Influencing Techniques
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From the course: Practical Influencing Techniques
- Now I mentioned earlier that red and yellow people tend to be on transmit. Blue and green are much better at listening, but red and yellow usually have opinions, they're usually doing the talking. So how do we get them to listen to us? How do we get them to change their direction a little bit? The answer is we have to do it by questioning. If you can ask them questions, it gets them to engage. And remember also that what they say is true. So, I mentioned earlier if you ask somebody, "Why might you give up smoking?" They'll say, "Well, my main reason if I did give up, "would be because of money." And then now you know what their reason is, but also the fact that they've said it, it's true. So if you say to them, "If you give up smoking, you'll save money," they're thinking, "Yeah, but not very much." But if you can get them to say "I want to give up for money," then to them that must be true. And sometimes you don't…
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Pros and cons of being a yellow enthusiast31s
How to spot a yellow enthusiast2m 17s
A process that yellows enjoy3m 30s
Paint a picture2m 32s
High energy2m 39s
Compared to what?3m 34s
Confront them with facts2m 54s
Questioning2m 7s
Applying the yellow's tips to the six-step process2m 30s