From the course: Practical Influencing Techniques

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Paint a picture

Paint a picture

- If you want to get an enthusiastic, a yellow person to do something, the key is to paint a picture of the great results they'll get. Imagine that Lamborghini outside your house. Imagine sliding into the leather seats, the car's really low. Imagine when you turn the key and you hear that engine. Imagine driving on the street and everyone's looking, over their shoulder at you as go past. How great will that be? So they love a picture to be painted. In fact, if you could show them a picture, it's even better. So we have to show them something that's new or exciting or different. So if I'm selling a training course to an enthusiast, I have to show them that there's something different about my training course. That I'm the only one who's doing it or they are the only customer, that's going to get that particular thing. And they also love stories. So I'll give you an example of this. I was talking to somebody about…
