From the course: Practical Influencing Techniques
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Adapting the process to personality
From the course: Practical Influencing Techniques
Adapting the process to personality
- So we've got a six step process and it's really important to follow that process, whatever type of person you're dealing with. But people do vary, so the most effective techniques for a particular person will also vary. So within each step of the process, it's important to pick the best technique. So if you're going to propose a solution to somebody, you might want to propose the solution in different ways depending on the type of person you're dealing with. I'll give you a couple of examples. If you say, "Quick, there's only two left. Grab one before they're gone", that will work really well on someone who is impulsive or someone who's decisive, but it won't work very well on a calm, logical, cautious type of a person. They're just going to feel that you're trying to rush them. Or if you say to somebody, "That makes me unhappy when you do it", that's going to work really well on a caring person or somebody with empathy.…
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