From the course: Power BI Top Skills

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Creating slicers

Creating slicers

- [Instructor] Your ability to create interactive visualizations enables you to democratize your data. That's a fancy word but it just means that you can empower more people to study your organization's data. One of the most effective ways to implement this is by creating a slicer. It's very easy to create a slicer in Power BI. So I've gone ahead and built out a dashboard already so that we can show the interactivity of Power BI. So first, before we get into the capabilities of the slicer, let's go check out the model view of this data file. You'll notice that all the data sources are connected and this is important. So if you want an interactive element for your dashboard, you need to connect all the data sources together, and you do that through these relationships. And it looks like we're good to go. So everything is connected together. Let's head back to the reports view and let's dig into the interactive element of…
