From the course: Operational Excellence Foundations
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Choose the right methodology
From the course: Operational Excellence Foundations
Choose the right methodology
- When there is a need to identify efforts for operational excellence, which approach or methodology is appropriate? Well first, we may need to ask, what are the various types of projects and methodologies for operational excellence? Let's start with process management of value stream management. If employees do not know how to perform their work, or know when to intervene to take action, or what actions to take when running a process, or if there is no effective monitoring and followup, or if there's a lack of process metrics, discipline, or protocol, then that process requires process management of value stream management. For design or improvement efforts, use projects. Projects are very focused planned efforts with a start and end date to achieve stated goals. These are launched as needed, and they do end when project goals are achieved. They are not endless. Next, let's talk about lean projects. If the drivers of performance are known or easily determined using the collective…
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Key roles in operational excellence5m 9s
Alignment for operational excellence4m 4s
Choose the right methodology4m 30s
Process or value stream management6m 19s
Lean event, Kaizen, or workout4m 55s
Six Sigma DMAIC6m 23s
DMADV: Design for Six Sigma4m 42s
Implementation challenges4m 24s
Audits to sustain operational excellence4m 20s