From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations
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Working with volunteers
From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations
Working with volunteers
- [Narrator] Hammering tiles into the roof of a newly constructed home, blasting thousands of emails for an immigration policy reform campaign, commandeering a whaling ship to protect an endangered species, facilitating a strategic planning process, these are all jobs that volunteers do for non-profits all around the world. - Whatever your organization's mission, volunteers can help you achieve it. For some groups however, it's easier to integrate volunteers into your programs than it is for others. For instance, Habitat Humanities whole business model revolves around engaging volunteers and building homes for poor families. No construction experience required. But a medical research group like American Cancer Society for instance, they can't very well hand their volunteers a test tube and a lab coat and send them off to discover the cure. So some non-profits are going to have to find creative ways to work with volunteers. I found that non-profits that successfully work with…
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