From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations
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Working with peers and foundations
From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations
Working with peers and foundations
- Collaboration, public/private partnerships, building coalitions and alliances, these are all non-profit buzzwords today. And while many pay lip service to the idea of collaboration, few actually do it. The scramble for scarce grant dollars and limited government contracts can be brutal for non-profits. As a result, many see their peers mainly as competitors but if you can change your mindset and actually collaborate and do it authentically, you can actually achieve much higher levels of impact. Collaborative non-profits are governed by what my coauthor and I call in "Forces for Good" a network mindset. Now I use the word network deliberately. One way to define a network is as a group of related things that work together to achieve a larger goal. Collectively these things are bigger and more powerful than their individual parts. High impact non-profits see the power of building and tapping into networks as a way to extend their impact. But the typical non-profit has a more…
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Strategies for scaling the organization4m 59s
Strategies for scaling impact4m 57s
Advocating and serving: Changing public policy3m 46s
Making markets work: Changing business models4m 33s
Inspiring evangelists: Motivating people to join your cause4m 42s
Working with peers and foundations4m 58s
Collective impact4m 26s