From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations
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Using social media to raise money
From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations
Using social media to raise money
- To kick off this lesson on how nonprofits can leverage social media to raise more money, let's check out this YouTube video. In 2014, during a four-month period, thousands of people around the world dumped freezing cold buckets of ice water on their heads to raise money for ALS, a degenerative nerve disease commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease. Maybe you were one of them. And if you weren't, you may have watched celebrities do it, whether it was Jennifer Aniston posting a video on YouTube, of Kim Kardashian doing it on "Ellen." This now-famous ice bucket challenge for ALS helped raise more than $115 million in donations for that nonprofit. This was almost 10 times what that organization had raised in the same timeframe in the last year. Why was this social media fundraising phenomenon such a success? Well, first, it had all of the key elements of a successful social media campaign. It was a time-bound challenge. This gave it urgency and built momentum. And then, anyone could do…
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Understanding sources of revenue4m 41s
Fundraising from individuals4m 25s
Foundation grants4m 47s
Pursuing government grants and contracts5m
Creating value through business partnerships4m 45s
Earning revenue through services and products4m 14s
Fundraising at different stages of growth4m 17s
Using social media to raise money4m 59s