From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations
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Strategies for scaling the organization
From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations
Strategies for scaling the organization
- You've launched your non-profit, you've achieved some early wins, and now you're thinking it's time to grow. Some of the questions that are likely on your mind at this point will be ones like, how fast should we grow? How far away should the next location be? What's the right legal structure for expansion? But before delving into any of these issues, you should ask one fundamental question first; why grow? If your answer is you want to have more impact, and to do so, you need to expand to new sites or offer new programs to serve more people, then this video will be very helpful for you. But if your answer is you want to grow for growth's sake, or because you think growth correlates to greater success or notoriety, or you think it might help with fundraising, then you really should reconsider, because getting bigger does not always equate with getting better. Let's assume you've thought through all your options for scaling impact and you've determined that, yes, it's time to grow…
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Strategies for scaling the organization4m 59s
Strategies for scaling impact4m 57s
Advocating and serving: Changing public policy3m 46s
Making markets work: Changing business models4m 33s
Inspiring evangelists: Motivating people to join your cause4m 42s
Working with peers and foundations4m 58s
Collective impact4m 26s