From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations

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- It was Mahatma Gandhi who said, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Now that you've completed this course on nonprofit leadership and management it's time for you to be the change. My hope is that through this course you've learned what it takes to launch or lead a high-impact nonprofit from both the inside and the outside. Together we've explored topics like strategic planning, vision development, financial leadership, and staff management. And we've also looked beyond the four walls of a nonprofit to discover how you can have more impact by working across sectors public, private, and nonprofit to further advance your cause. I know from the research on high-impact nonprofits from my book "Forces for Good," that what distinguishes the best nonprofits from the rest does not lie solely in their ability to master the fundamentals of nonprofit management stuff like fundraising, or managing people, or good governance. Those things are necessary for your survival but…
