From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations

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Motivating and keeping top talent

Motivating and keeping top talent

- The business management guru Frederick Hertzberg asked this question more than a half century ago. "One more time: what motivates employees?" Here's a clue to the answer, it's not money. Really, it's not about the money. Research shows that the strongest motivators for employees, the things that keep people working hard for your organization are nonmaterial factors. Things like autonomy, the ability to control their work; achievement, the sense that they are contributing directly to progress; recognition, and the possibility for advancement. These are the most powerful motivators. I think this is lucky for nonprofits because one critical defining characteristic of the nonprofit sector is that nonprofit jobs pay less. Unfortunately, often far less than corporations and sometimes government. In one study of physicians, for instance, it showed that doctors of equal training and seniority who are employed by nonprofit hospitals had lower wages than those in private practices or public…
