From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations
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Inspiring evangelists: Motivating people to join your cause
From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations
Inspiring evangelists: Motivating people to join your cause
- I've always loved this quote by Senator Robert Kennedy, "Each time a man stand up for an ideal, "or acts to improve the lot of others, "or strikes out against injustice, "he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, "and those ripples build a current which can sweep down "the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." He said this in 1966 at a speech in South Africa. He was trying to capture the idea that the actions of any single person might seem small, but when you combine the efforts of hundreds or thousands or millions of volunteers into a movement, you have have the most powerful force for change in the world. So you'll want to think about how your nonprofit can mobilize volunteers and individuals and create those tiny ripples of hope for your cause. In my research on high-impact nonprofits, my co-author and I call this inspiring evangelists. Now I know evangelist is a loaded term, but I'm trying to get at the notion that volunteers who possess a zealous, even maniacal passion…
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Strategies for scaling the organization4m 59s
Strategies for scaling impact4m 57s
Advocating and serving: Changing public policy3m 46s
Making markets work: Changing business models4m 33s
Inspiring evangelists: Motivating people to join your cause4m 42s
Working with peers and foundations4m 58s
Collective impact4m 26s