From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations
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Honing your vision and sense of calling
From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations
Honing your vision and sense of calling
- One of the greatest visionaries of our time was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In his "I Have a Dream" speech, he inspired millions of people with his vision of a better America. Today's great nonprofit leaders also possess this gift of vision. They have big dreams, and work relentlessly to achieve them. An essential part of achieving a great vision is first, being able to articulate it, and then inspiring others to join you. So you need to spend time honing your own ideas and reflecting on how the world will be different, when you're successful. As you do this, there are a few key elements to consider as you develop your vision. First, a compelling nonprofit vision gives a concrete picture of the way the world will be different. It's not a description of your mission or your activities. So for instance, in his speech, Dr. King didn't described the long struggles of the civil rights workers and how tirelessly they worked to get there. Instead, he painted a picture of the future state of…
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