From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations
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Fundraising from individuals
From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations
Fundraising from individuals
- While we live in a very generous society, it actually can be hard to tap into this vast sea of donors, and inspire them to care about your cause, given that there's so many other equally inspiring charities that they could support. So, you're going to need a strategy to make your nonprofit standout. The heart of any successful individual fundraising strategy involves finding ways to meaningfully engage with people. You want to create real experiences that inspire individuals to feel a visceral deep connection to your issue. The goal is to generate what marketing and branding experts call sticky relationships with your supporters. Now there's four main pathways to engaging people directly with your cause. The first path to consider is in-person visits. If you have an office or other operations on the ground, invite people to visit, and make it easy for them. Hold weekly or monthly tours that are open to the public. Announce the times on your website when anyone can drop in and learn…
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Understanding sources of revenue4m 41s
Fundraising from individuals4m 25s
Foundation grants4m 47s
Pursuing government grants and contracts5m
Creating value through business partnerships4m 45s
Earning revenue through services and products4m 14s
Fundraising at different stages of growth4m 17s
Using social media to raise money4m 59s