From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations
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Considerations before you launch
From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations
Considerations before you launch
- So you're thinking of launching a new nonprofit. You're passionate about your cause, and you're itching to take action. That's great, we need more leaders like you to go out there and solve some of the pressing social and environmental problems that the world faces but before you rush out and incorporate as a brand new 501(c)(3), let me give you a few things to consider before you launch. First, find out if there are already good organizations doing work on your issue. Then instead of trying to compete with them, ask yourself if it would make more sense to join them. Before you rush out to start you own group, make a goal of meeting with as many leaders from organizations in your issue area as possible. And explore ways you might partner with them, maybe even join their staff to advance your cause. Let's say, for instance, you believe there's a pressing need in your town to get nutritious, hot meals to home-bound elderly people. Find out if Meals on Wheels is already working in your…
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