From the course: Neuromarketing: Tap Into your Customer's Primal Brain

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Combining multiple neuromarketing strategies: A case study

Combining multiple neuromarketing strategies: A case study

From the course: Neuromarketing: Tap Into your Customer's Primal Brain

Combining multiple neuromarketing strategies: A case study

- Throughout this course, we've been talking about the individual principles of evolutionary psychology and how to take advantage of them. However, in the real world of marketing, there's no reason that we cannot combine these into a more powerful package. I'll deconstruct the steps that we took in a real client engagement and show you how this works. Here's the original page offering five satellite TV packages. Our goal was to construct a more effective page by applying neuro-marketing. This was the page that we created. The first step was to simplify the choices, we limited the options to three plans instead of five and focused on the most popular ones. There's no need to list all possible options if the goal is to increase profit. Next, we took advantage of loss, aversion, and anchoring. We anchored on the most expensive price first. Then we visually showed the decrease in the number of available channels, then we…
