From the course: Neuromarketing: Tap Into your Customer's Primal Brain

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Avoiding choice overload to maximize response

Avoiding choice overload to maximize response

- Let's do a quick thought experiment. Imagine we're shopping for a sleeper sofa. Let's go to a popular home furnishing website and start looking. Since they sell a wide variety of products, we should head straight to the search bar and type in sofa sleeper. Up pops a page of search results. Fantastic! We're well on our way to finding our dream sofa sleeper. Or are we? Actually, there's a giant problem. There are over 1,000 sofa sleepers to choose from, dozens of pages to scroll through. This is information overload and it paralyzes people and makes decisions much harder. Our short-term memory can only hold four items at a time. There's got to be a better way. How can we sift through massive choice in a way that doesn't overwhelm? What if we had a helpful expert on our side? After all, we are all experts in our own businesses. Let's try buying that sofa sleeper again with the help of our smart expert friend.…
