From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly
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The many uses of selfie sticks - iPhone Tutorial
From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly
The many uses of selfie sticks
- Hey everybody, welcome back to Mobile Photography Weekly. Sean Duggan here, and you know after many years of photographing with camera phones, I have finally acquired a selfie stick. Actually, I have acquired two selfie sticks. And you know, true confession time, I'm not really a selfie photographer, and certainly not a selfie stick photographer. But when I went into researching which ones to get, I did so from a photographer gear head perspective, because I wanted to find some selfie sticks that were useful for something other than just selfies. So this first one here is made by Yoozon, and it's pretty cool. It extends out to about 26 inches I think, so that's pretty cool. You can rotate this, and you can rotate the mount here, if you want to have the camera oriented vertically or horizontally. It's got a little spring-loaded clamp here, to put the phone in there. And that's you know, pretty tight in there. And then you have a Bluetooth remote here, which is pretty useful for…
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