From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Processing app quick look: Ultralight

Processing app quick look: Ultralight - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Processing app quick look: Ultralight

- [Instructor] Hey everybody welcome back to Mobile Photography Weekly, I'm Sean Duggan and this week we're going to take a quick look at a very interesting processing app that's been around for about four years, but it's one that I just recently became aware of. The app is for IOS and it's called Ultralight. I'm going to tap on the All Photos button there in the middle to go out to access some of my other albums, then go into my favorites, and I'm going to choose the Golden Gate Bridge picture. I really like that I get a preview of the different images before I actually start working on them. Now one thing to notice about that Golden Gate Bridge image down on it's thumbnail is that there's a little pencil there and that indicates that I've already edited this image in the Ultralight app. And so I can revisit the changes that I made and even remove them if I want to. So those changes are non-destructive and I really…
