From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Multiapp processing workflow

Multiapp processing workflow - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Multiapp processing workflow

- One of the great things about creating images with our phones is that there are so many photo editing apps available. Now a lot of apps will provide an array of general editing capabilities, but sometimes you have to take a photo through a range of different apps, just to get the visual look you want. Hi, I'm Sean Duggan, and this week on Mobile Photography Weekly, I want to share with you some of my own approaches and suggestions to get the most out of a multi app editing workflow. So this episode is not really about how to do specific things in specific apps, but rather it focuses on an overall editing approach, based on what makes the most sense in terms of the order in which you would apply certain adjustments or enhancements to your photos. I'm going to quickly show you four scenarios covering overall and local editing, retouching, perspective correction, blurring and adding a texture, and finally an example of multi image compositing. So we're going to start with this picture…
