From the course: Maximizing Your Reach: Proven Mobile Marketing Techniques
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Develop social media campaigns
From the course: Maximizing Your Reach: Proven Mobile Marketing Techniques
Develop social media campaigns
Did you know that the vast majority of people use their smartphones to access social media instead of laptops? That's why it's extremely important to create a social media campaign that targets mobile users. If you want to succeed. In this lesson, I'll show you three key strategies that will help you develop a social media campaign that resonates with your mobile audience, resulting in more views, more clicks and more sales. Here's how. Be visual in the fast paced world of social media, visuals are supreme. That's because they're eye catching and can communicate a message quickly. However, when developing visual content for your mobile audience, make sure it's optimized for mobile viewing. This means keeping your images and videos short, crisp and easy to load on a mobile device. Think of this as a billboard for your product or service and you have about 2 seconds to catch their attention. Also, make your social media posts mobile friendly. How? Create posts that are easy to read and…
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