From the course: Maximizing Your Reach: Proven Mobile Marketing Techniques
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Create compelling content
From the course: Maximizing Your Reach: Proven Mobile Marketing Techniques
Create compelling content
In a world where our phones are glued to our hands, it's crucial to ensure that the content you create is easily digestible and doesn't require too much endless scrolling. Because when it comes to compelling content, thumbs scrolling is bad. You want to create content that is completely the opposite. Thumb stopping. In this lesson, I'll teach you how to create compelling content built for a mobile consumer that will generate more engagement and ultimately more leads. First, keep your message brief and to the point. Let's talk about the importance of brevity. When it comes to creating content for mobile consumers. Less is more. You want to make sure that your message is clear and concise. Think about using personalization and short sentences to break up your content. This will help your readers absorb the information quickly and easily. Remember, thumb stopping is key. Next, use visuals to make your content more engaging. Consider the power of visuals. Think about your favorite apps…
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