From the course: Marketing Strategy: SEO Content Writing

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How to extend the impact of your content optimization

How to extend the impact of your content optimization

From the course: Marketing Strategy: SEO Content Writing

How to extend the impact of your content optimization

- [Instructor] Once your content is ready, there are final touches that you can add to help it stand out once it's published and shared on social media. First, use jump links. They will work well for informational content such as blog posts and guides. What are jump links? Think about book contents. It lists the main headings and directs you to specific parts of the book. That's exactly what jump links do. They list all main headings of your page body. That's what they look like on the page. And here is how Google displays jump links in its search results. Jump links provide more context about your page and serve as an additional point of entrance for users. They are great for improving click-through reads from Google. You can add jump links manually, but I'd recommend checking for a ready-made solution for your platform to streamline this process. For example, here is a plugin that you can use for WordPress…
