From the course: Marketing Strategy for Designers

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Search engine optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO)

- [Instructor] Search engine optimization, also referred to as SEO, is the act of increasing traffic to a website by ensuring it ranks at the top of Google and other search engines for popular search queries. With over 90% of global internet searches, Google dominates the search market to the point that it has become a verb for looking up anything online. As a result, I'm going to focus on SEO within Google throughout this lesson. There are two categories of results that you will find on Google when doing a search online. Sponsored results, which appear at the top of the page. These are created by paid marketers, which we will discuss in a future lesson. And organic results, which appear under sponsored results. These are placements earned on Google by producing content relevant to the search query. Because a brand doesn't have to pay Google to place an organic results, they are considered free. But the work it takes to rank…
