From the course: Marketing on LinkedIn

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Creating conversation in your LinkedIn Inbox

Creating conversation in your LinkedIn Inbox - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: Marketing on LinkedIn

Creating conversation in your LinkedIn Inbox

Hooray. You built up the courage to reach out to someone new and your connection request was accepted. So now what? Well, you'll want to spark a conversation, but how? It can be awkward trying to virtually break the ice. Here are a few easy ways to nurture relationships with people via your inbox. First, introduce yourself. Imagine that you're in a networking event and your new connection is standing right in front of you. How would you introduce yourself in person? You might start by talking about the weather, pets, local news, travel. In other words, small talk. This light and polite conversation is an evolutionary habit that we rely on to make decisions on who is genuine and trustworthy. So it's important to start the conversation slowly and give your connection a chance to get to know you. If you thrive in face-to-face interactions, ask them if they'd like to schedule a quick virtual coffee to get to know each other. You can send connections and meeting requests for the video…
