From the course: Leveraging AI in Contact Centers: Overcoming Volume and Improving Customer Experience

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Key elements of change management in the contact center

Key elements of change management in the contact center

- Change management is a crucial aspect of successfully implementing AI in contact centers. It ensures that the transition is smooth, employees are onboard, and the new technologies are effectively integrated into existing workflows. Here are six key elements and strategies for effective change management in this context with a few references to specific case studies. The first is clear communication. Communication is one of the most important management tactics, but if handled poorly can be a problem. Transparency means keeping all stakeholders informed about the changes, the reasons behind the changes, and the expected benefits in a language they can understand. Think about where your agents are coming from. What are their fears, their thoughts, their trepidations, or what would make them excited about the technology? It's important to ensure that the messaging is consistent across all levels of the organization to avoid confusion and misinformation. Here's an example. One of the…
