From the course: Leveraging AI in Contact Centers: Overcoming Volume and Improving Customer Experience

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How to implement AI in the contact center

How to implement AI in the contact center

- It's helpful in thinking about what actually are change management tactics to look at what has worked for others. Warby Parker, a D2C eyeglass company, had a very successful contact center leader who made change management a big part of his work. He coached agents and tried to uplift them. He never gave bad news or feedback in his office. He didn't want them to feel like they were going to the principal's office. He sent gifts in the agent onboarding process, like branded robes and slippers for their new office attire. They were remote agents. This Warby Parker manager also enlisted high performing-agents to help him train staff and train them to act as coaches because he found that when agents were given the opportunity to teach and coach others, it was good for the individual as well as the other agents. Little touches like handwritten cards thanking agents for their work, or recognizing achievements or birthdays on a big digital sign in the office or on the intranet boosted agent…
